Sunday 19 February 2012

A Parallel Universe

There's nothing more i want to do just now, than delve into the imaginary, fantastic, beautiful world of a book. Throughout my life, i've always let the books i read define me, define who i am. I was always much more inspired by the fictitious charaters in story books, than the people around. Strange, yes i know. I let the books take me to another place, a place i enjoyed being in infinitesimally more than my reality. i let the mystery, suspense, fantasy of it overwhelm me and completely take over my senses. It's a feeling that makes me so incredulously happy! When reality weighed down on me, i always found my comfort zone, my personal haven or refuge in my favourite novels. If only i could still escape the annoying troubles of life even today and just lose myself in the alternate reality of a book! If only i could get back those 2 month long summer holidays when i was a kid, which without my famous fives, five findouters and malory towers to name a few, would have been an absolute nightmare! I remember pretending to be one of the famous five when no one was around. My poor mum - how much i tried convincing her to send me to boarding school after reading malory towers! Then came my Harry potter phase, although i hate calling it a phase since it'll always be the only book that i feel has changed my life i many ways! i could read it even today, even 20 yrs later. With harry potter i began my craze for fantasy fiction novels. The world it transported me to was so much more spectacular, fun and exciting than my boring world full of complicated humans who could not stop misunderstanding me! I cannot begin to explain how terrible the urge to leave my studies and start a new series is just now! But i as much as i love reading fantasy, i love reading non fiction and classics as well. pride and prejudice, jane eyre, little women will always be books that i adore. i cried like a baby while reading marley and me - it's one of my favourite books.
You're probably wondering why i can't slip into my alternate reality now. Well, because my present reality refuses to let me do so. The ever- increasing burden of exams and academics gives me so little time to spare! I'm learning that now as i'm growing older, i can't always get addicted a novel; i have to take into consideration my responsiblities and duties. But i know one thing for sure, whenever i'm free of all the pressure, whenever i get the time, i'll always slip right into the alternate reality that a book creates- and delve right into a parallel universe.