Thursday 19 April 2012

The End in the Beginning

11 yrs ago, when we shifted to this city, swarming with cars and a ridiculous amount of people, I was most intimidated. I was just a kid, scared of what the city had in store for me, scared of having no friends in the big, new school and heartbroken about leaving my grandparents behind. Well, that was only the beginning – the beginning of the most eventful and exciting 11 years of my life. I met the most wonderful people, made some crazy, insane, amazing friends – friends I’m going to keep forever. They’ve inspired me, taught me so much in their little ways and without them i would never be who i am today. We may all go our different ways now, but the memories that we created together are too precious to ever be erased from our minds, leaving us always entwined and entangled in a web of memories. I’m reminded of so many of my old school days when i was much younger, and i know the bonds won’t ever be severed and I won’t ever forget it all, however old I get, for these aren’t just fond memories – they’re the memories that built my entire childhood. I met an old friend after 6 years recently, and even after all those years, it somehow didn’t feel so different- it almost felt like we were 11 or 12 year olds again. I hope it’ll always be that way with all my friends today, because with all that we’re been through together, with the weird puberty phase and the silly fights, i doubt there’ll be any sign of awkwardness!
Now that the high school days are over and i’ll go to college, life will probably be quite a different ball game. I’m reminded of that time 11 years ago; and again, the uncertainty of the future scares the daylights out of me. But now i know that getting intimidated doesn’t help the situation, it just worsens it. So this may be the end of an era, the end to some of the most beautiful, unforgettable years of my life, in which i’ve learnt such an incredible amount from almost everyone i’ve met on my journey in tiny ways; but it’s also the beginning of something new, a chance to start afresh, to not repeat my old mistakes, an opportunity to prove myself. It’s exciting and frightening at the same time. But I’d like to ignore the fear and just let the excitement overwhelm me.

1 comment:

  1. this is so touching! and it's everything i feel too... you've described it so perfectly and you've made me feel better about the god-forsaken future. thank you!
