Monday 26 December 2011

And the fast continues, leaving me more baffled than ever!

A few months ago, when this man called anna hazare started going on fasts, I thought it was a really cool thing. Someone at last, in this ignorant country wanted to do something meaningful, something good for the peoples’ benefit and for once, not their own! But I guess it takes some time to formulate opinions, to look beyond what’s in front of you. When you look deeper into the issue of corruption that he’s addressing, the problems that come along with it would seem too complicated to solve by fasting or a mere bill! How on earth can a bill solve the problems that have risen in the world over so many years! I may be considered a lay person and I definitely fail to understand the present economic crisis very clearly and i doubt everyone going on those protests do. The magnitude of the problem is monumental! They say that it’s only the rich politicians who are the corrupt ones, and yes I most definitely agree with that; however corruption is also ever-present amongst the poor, isn’t it? Everyone in this country is trying to earn a living and survive, and maybe the only plausible solution they see at times, is using corrupt means! So, if the bill does get eventually get passed, we put them behind bars? At that rate half the population would be in jail! i fail to understand how in any possibly way, this bill will help us, and eventually solve the economic crisis! The rich will keep getting richer and due to their increasing greed will not stop being corrupt; the poor will keep getting poorer and will be compelled to give in to using corrupt means in order to survive. the problem remains unsolved. However, i do admire Mr hazare for trying to make a difference! I’ve managed to confuse myself more than before I think! It leaves me utterly baffled!

A pleasant surprise!

This was a brilliant! i was really lucky! i looked at my window one day and i see this barbet, a sparrow and another tiny bird that i haven't been able to identify, all perched on the grill! i ran for the camera and got the shot :D

This beautiful coppersmith barbet comes every day, right outside my window, sits there for about five minutes, peeks into my room with eyes that seem to be so full of curiousity! the first time i saw it, i literally couldn't believe my eyes! Who would have thought birds as striking as this one actually exist in the city i live in! Wow.

Not such a creepy crawlie!

This lil' fellow was hanging around in my bathroom some days ago! Gave me a huge fright in the beginning! but then i started looking more closely ..and he actually looked like he was dancing around and having a jolly good time! Very amusing!

Thursday 22 December 2011

Learning to never lose hope

Just a few days ago while surfing, I saw this picture with the quote. It made me reflect upon a few things I witness every day.
We all live our separate lives, and in its course become different people. Some of us are ambitious, while some of us just aren’t and are happy living a quiet, peaceful family life. But there is always a want of more from life, isn’t there? When are we truly and completely satisfied? Even after we have what we’re looking for we still want more! It’s in our human nature I guess…and the word’s called greed. And it somehow seems to me that our own greed for more will eventually destroy us all, however ridiculous it may sound. The balance in the world is no more there…I look around me every day and I see so many different kinds of people. Some who live on top of the world and have everything they ever want or need; some who have what they need, but wish they had more and keep working towards being on the top; and some people who only just want a roof over their heads, clothes to wear, and food. And still the people dripping with money turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the earnest pleas of the poor. It makes me sick. I see slums, and of course right behind the slums I see the tallest of skyscrapers. But I don’t see a plausible solution and there’s nothing I can possibly do about it at present so I should probably stop being a hypocrite.
There are so many people out there today, like the bird in the picture, maybe without a hand or a leg, or with no money and no family in the world, but yet they survive, they continue their journey of life, they deal with what’s in store for them, adapt and move on, always continuing to hope for a life better than their present one. It gives me inspiration and teaches me to hope, that someday this world might be a better place. Most of all it inspires me to always work harder and strive for a better tomorrow so that I can help the people who need it. Basically – make a difference.